[dev.to] Dev Containers on Kubernetes with DevSpace
Containerization is a good way to quickly ramp up and tear down, distribute and version pre-configured development environments. There are a couple of prolific tools in the space of containerization tools for development environments but not a lot of them hit the sweet spot in terms of customizability and convenience quite like DevSpace.
[dev.to] Detecting Kubernetes API Deprecations with pluto
The Kubernetes API is changing all the time. With these changes come deprecations and eventual removals of parts of the API. To be able to keep an up-to-date Kubernetes cluster version, we have to identify deprecated APIs and update them. This may become tedious in larger clusters with hundreds of resources but tools like pluto can help.
[Weeklyjs.io] types as comments for plain JavaScript
I published another article on Weeklyjs.io.
[dev.to] GitLab CI/CD runner clean-up with pre-build scripts
I published my article on GitLab runner cleanup with pre-build scripts on Dev.to.
[Weeklyjs.io] Writing CLI tools with TypeScript
I republished a shorter version of my article on writing CLI tools with TypeScript on Weeklyjs.io.
[maibornwolff.de] API as a Product
Check out my blog article on API as a Product on the MaibornWolff blog.